
Updated Public Web Data for Diverse Applications

Drive business growth and develop data centric solutions using our enriched and continuously updated data repository of millions of global professionals and organizations.




company profiles


employee profiles


data source

Delivery via JSON, CSV, or via API

What we do

Most of businesses clearly understand the value of real world data analysis but do not have resources and time to experiment with scraping public sources.

We do the complex part for you. We scrape and collect several billions of datapoints from different public platforms, enrich and refresh them regularly, and provide you with simple and robust API.

B2B data can be utilized by businesses to develop and train AI-based technologies, source business opportunities to drive sales growth, perform competitive analysis, and enrich their current datasets.

Applications and datasets

Ready to harness the benefits of analysis, but think the datasets are outside your reach? We put the power of scraping to work for you.  We offer the opportunity to obtain raw datasets collected from publicly available online platforms related to business. The data can be delivered in either parsed JSON or CSV format, with the option to download the files from a web link or have them directly sent to your cloud or remote storage.

professional network company data
People and Employee Profiles
98M People and employee records  from business related networks
Firmographic data
Companies and Firmographic Data
57M Gobal company details that can be searched and grouped by multiple identifiers
Company domains and DNS
DNS Records
284MRecords of company domains, Certificates and Web Presence
Company employee reviews
Company Reviews
Gain inside out insights by analyzing data from company review sites.
Startup Datasets
Startup Dataset
Find Startup Data and explore general information, funding datasets, and more.
Company Subdomains
List of Subdomain
List company subdomains and discover deeper web presence

Streamline your analytics

Our data feeds and search engine helps you connect directly with your data so you can build pipeline and make your analysis faster than ever

Search and evaluate hundreds of datasets
Access our API or download a Customer Dataset
Subscribe to our services and build your app or product
Repeat your analysis with fresh data whenever you need
Build your products faster
GDPR Compliant
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